
Showing posts from March, 2017

2017 Polaris Ranger 570 full-size walk around


Dyno Tuning

Dyno Tuning Larry Strangfeld What is a Dyno and what can it do for me? A dyno-short for dynamometer, is simply a machine that we strap your motorcycle or ATV on so that your drive wheel(s) spin a drum on the Dyno. One of the functions of the dyno is to read horsepower; it does this by measuring how fast the dyno drum accelerates, then calculates horsepower, taking into account the atmospheric conditions. To get good data, this should be done as close to a 1 to 1 ratio as possible. (Example: a motorcycle with a 6-speed transmission, with 6 th being overdrive, we would use 5 th gear for dyno runs.) Having said that, as long as you consistently use the same gear for all dyno runs, the data gathered will be consistent and reliable, and therefore, very useable for tuning. Horsepower numbers usually get all the attention, buy in my opinion, the most important function of our dyno is the exhaust gas analyzer.  This tells us air/fuel ratios, and more important, at any RPM and...